sounday service with jane + ana rosa
04.05 INNER SOUNDAY SERVICE with jane + ana rosa
a circle of 6 gongs, voice and sonic energy – our Inner Prayer – elevating us towards 963 Hz.
963 Hz - singing - transcendence breathwork - 6x gongs circle - service speech
virgo full moon gong bath
under the last full moon of the winter season, this worm full moon in Virgo invites us to plant our seeds of dreams for the upcoming seasons, working with the organised, mutable, caring earth sign of Virgo.
combining gentle grounding qigong, breath and an extended gong bath, let us find ease as we transition into spring.
lunar new year celebrations: gong bath
let us celebrate the Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake!
The Yin Wood element symbolises endurance and growth, and the snake zodiac symbolises wisdom, transformation and intuition.
Enjoy this journey of guided insight meditation, a firework of gongs and sounds to welcome in this new moon with a clear perspective of the inner teacher that resides within us.
inner channel
welcome to the Inner Channel:
an experience for reaching the messages from within; the voice of the soul.
through tools such as guided meditation, a multidimensional sound journey, and experimental automatic writing, akashic readers jane and flor will open a sacred space for allowing the intuition to talk through your own language.
winter solstice - sound bath - gong - theta meditation
inner winter soundscape
join cecilia & jane for this inner winter soundscape on 20.12.24 @ inner sound:
let us welcome the longest night of the year with a deep listening sound journey, accompanied by gongs + other soundscapes to support your cozy rest.
winter solstice - sound bath - gong - theta meditation
expand & explore: new moon gong bath
let us soar into this new moon in sagittarius with a sense of adventure. this mutable fire sign invites us to explore fearlessly our expansiveness from within and without. by inviting the breath, we will create space for new energies, welcoming the vibrations of planetary gongs to enter our systems for expansion. we will close with a soothing lullaby to re-centre and ground.
feel free to bring: a journal and pen to write down your visions for this new cycle.
all night gong & cacao
during the darkest time of the year — the middle of november, on a full moon night — we will gather together to recharge with the light of sound. the magical elements of the gongs, cacao and nourishing sounds will spark our inner lights into our cells. Combining many years of gong playing experience across a variety of settings: events, ceremonies, festivals - Sofia, Jorgito and Jane invite you for a very special overnight All Night Gong session.
about the gongs:
the gongs are one of the oldest sounds known to this planet, and have been used for centuries before us for meditation, gatherings, celebrations and healing. Gong vibrations can offer support in removing physical, emotional, mental stagnations from the body, creating space to fill with harmony, love and tranquillity.
what to expect:
• 21:40 – arrival
• 22:00 – we open the night of Gongs the medicine of Cacao, connecting to our individual and collective hearts' intentions
• experience an all night journey with gong vibrations and sounds
• 06:00 – the following morning, we sit in silence for 30 minutes to invite insights, inner peace and liberation
• an opportunity to share about your experiences with one another
• warm, spicy waking-up cacao power balls, teas and delicious vegan snacks
please bring:
• clean comfortable clothing to change for sleeping and laying down
• there will be carpets, but blow-up mattresses and any other items needed to create your soft cozy nest are more than welcome
• pillows, mat, sleeping bag, blankets, duvets, warm socks, eye masks, essential oils... and any other item to ensure your comfortable journey
• water bottle to fill
• journal and pen (optional)
spaces limited.
body awareness & sound immersion
welcome to this unique and deeply restorative experience combining deep body awareness practices, deep yoga postures and ancient healing power of the gong instrument.
in this transformative workshop, Equihua will guide you through gentle and deep body awareness practices, incorporating mindful movements and breathwork to attune into the bodies. in welcoming a heightened sensory perception in presence, we will slowly pave the way for the full immersion in a gong and sound bath, guided by Jane.
the gong’s complex tones and vibrations will invite a sense of presence and surrender into the body’s sensations, allowing space to observe how the sound affects their physical and energetic state, leaving you rejuvenated, grounded and present for the rest of your weekend.
all night gong: thēta dream wave journey
vibrational sleep over in theta waves
together we'll enter the state of thēta brain waves in which the mind and the body can relax into a dream wave state.
the work with our earth-, venus-, and chiron gong will create opportunities to repair, rebuild unlock and unblock. it helps to release mental, emotional and physical issues.
the theta brain wave state will offer space for a deep restfulness and mental awareness. you may experience a deep sense of peace and well-being.
please bring
bring your sleep over stack from pjs, sleeping mask, blanket, mat, and sleeping bag and your water bottle. we'll start the vibrational sleep over around 23:30 in our beautiful cosy space diving into deep theta waves until 6.30 am in the morning.
feel washed through by sound while you take a deep and immersive gong nap.
gong players
yaseminvollmond x praneet nair x jane kim x aixa reiki
yogic nap + sound bath
be immersed in a guided yoga nidrā (yogic nap) and sound bath: rejuvenating your physical, emotional and energetic body, ready for the weekend.
songs & gongs: catharsis
in this edition of SONGS & GONGS, we explore catharsis:
catharsis (n.): the process of releasing strong emotions, through the art of experience.
be held: as you experience the art of transmuting your emotions, under this new moon in cancer.
in this safe and expressive container, we will explore embodied tools that are available for you to release and reconnect with the potent tools of your voice and body. The event will close with a nourishing gong bath, facilitated by jane.
you can expect: kindred connection exercises, somatic movement, vocal activation, self- and co-regulation practices, sharing and introspection.
feel free to bring: your open mind, comfortable clothes and a journal + pen for reflections.
songs & gongs: a vocal exploration
a vocal exploration* with jane
under this new moon in gemini, let us welcome the element of air: exploring our inner polarities through the ways that we communicate, vocalize and express ourselves truthfully in this world.
in this playground of songs and sounds, we will invoke one of our most potent instruments: the voice. we will explore vocal toning and physical movement to express safely, freely, creatively.
a symphony of gongs will bathe us in nourishment as we welcome this new cycle together.
please bring: comfortable clothes that you can move in liberally - water bottle - journal and an open mind.
* no prior experience needed
akashic meditation 6.0
in this special container*, jane and kimi will co-facilitate frequency soundscapes, breathwork, and meditative journaling practices to connect with the Akashic realms. in this workshop-style fusion of techniques and tools, you will be invited to tap into your intuitive knowing within.
please bring:
• your journal + pen
• a few questions you wish to be answered, avoiding yes or no questions
• an open mind and heart.
* no previous experience with the Akashic Records is needed.
lunar new year celebrations: gong bath
let us breathe into the Lunar New Year, with a refreshing and rejuvenating gong bath.
We will welcome and celebrate abundance, vitality and energy, as we affirm our intentions for this upcoming year of the Wood Dragon.
All Beings welcome.
our inner autumn: gong bath
give your Self the permission to slow down with Nature.
just as the trees around us shed their leaves during this beautiful season, let us also take this moment to release what no longer truly serves; harvesting a sense of gratitude for what is.
we will invite gentle somatic breath, restorative postures, and surrender to the soft sounds of gongs, singing bowls and vocals.
feel free to bring your journal to write down any reflections. cozy socks and eye masks optional.
All Beings welcome.
akashic meditation 1.0
akasha is the Sanskrit word for the all-encompassing matter in the æther. the akashic records is known as the energetic imprint of all sentient beings in the past, current, and future possible timelines.
with patience and practice, one can tap into this field of consciousness - the akashic realms - one of many ways to gain further clarity of their soul’s journey. one can begin to connect with their multidimensional essence, and on a collective level, feel the interconnectedness of these dimensions while simultaneously remaining present in the physical body.
in this intimate portal, you will learn some essential and practical tools of how to access your own records in a safe, contained, creative space.
All Beings welcome — no previous experience required.
rest in radiant gongs
you are warmly welcome to explore your inner harmony, as we enter a state of deep rest, through a radiant sound journey.
accompanied by the gongs, singing bowls and vocals, we will attune back to the peace within - recentering into a frequency of relaxation in awareness.
please wear comfortable clothes for lying down during your guided restoration experience. optionally, you are invited to bring your journal and pen, water bottle and eye pillow.
All Beings welcome.
our inner creative: gong bath
let us dive into our creative seat, svadhisthana - the sacral.
this second primary energy center below our navel is where our inner creative juices flow abundantly, especially when we are in balance from the base of our spine.
together we will explore playful and easy yin postures with breathwork to energise this creative center, before resting into the gong bath. we will close with gentle sounds and a guided meditation.
herbal tea and nibbles will be provided for your re-grounding journey. please feel free to bring a journal and pen to write any ideas that may come to you.
All Beings welcome.
deep evening gong bath
let us welcome the last month of the year by fully bathing in the vibrational frequency of the gong.
after inviting gentle movement and breath into our bodies, we will tune in to the journey of deepening and expanding together with the beautiful harmonic resonance of the gong.
mats, blankets and warm tea will be provided. please bring anything else you may need to feel extra cozy.